Lab Objective. By successfully completing this lab, students should be able to:
- Distinguish computational thinking for their level and subject area from coding and programming.
- Describe an integrated coding activity from a wisely integrated STEM+C activity.
- Engage with block coding using Tynker and hour of code.
- Describe your personal position on teaching coding for all students across grade/content levels (group Go Public discussion).
Activity Guide: You may want to pre-download apps into your own smart device…
- Engage with computational thinking (logic) using examples from everyday tasks like party planning (group lab activity) [NOTE: to view this example you will need log in as a GUEST].
- Take a few minutes to Check the Code.Org lesson database for a computational thinking activity related to your teaching area/grade level. Report what you find to the class.
- Break out into two groups and go through the following coding activities with your small group members (focus on one at a time then switch to the other together when prompted).
- Use Tynker for at least 2 rounds of games (you can either use your 5 free trial uses or create an account)
- Use Zuckerberg’s Angry Birds Maze challenge using an online versions of Blockly. Complete as much of the Hour of code as you can.
- Use the Logo Turtle in this online simplified free Logo Turtle graphics LISP programming environment.
- Another app you might consider using is Scratch. It can be used with multiple robots and is primarily created for educational purposes.