Robots Lab Activity

Lab Objective. By successfully completing this lab, students should be able to:

  • distinguish computational thinking for their level and subject area from coding and programming.
  • code the use of a simple drone or robot using a mobile device.
  • be able to describe a separate coding activity from a wisely integrated STEM+C activity
  • describe their personal position on teaching coding for all students (group Go Public discussion).

Activity Guide: You may want to pre-download apps into your own smart device…

  1. Begin with the Zuckerberg Angry Birds Maze challenge using an online versions of Blockly. Complete the challenge through Max #5. (Did you complete the classic maze? Discuss scratch structured programming)
  2. Use the Sphero EDU app (for your device) program the Sphero Bolt
    1. draw a regular polygon (draw mode) and measure its perimeter (from the sensors and in the world). Consider what questions one might in the context of various math curricular standards
      1. Start with a practice drive of the Bolt (consider compass icon for location GPS driving)
        1. Sphero drive screen
      2. Then program and view data
    2. Discuss: Potential links to lesson plans, authentic data, and coding across the curriculum
  3. Use FreeFlight Mini app to drive the Parrot Airborne cargo mini drone
    1. Connect to the Parrot mini drone using the app and fly it on a simple obstacle course, taking your picture as a group, if you can.
    2. Stretch Goal: Use the drone’s camera to take a picture of an object around the corner.
  4. Use Blockly and/or Path to program Dash robot
    1. Ask 1 of your team to control Dash with Blockly and move him to complete a simple obstacle course. (should be easier and more controlled than BB-8)
    2. Stretch Goal: use sensors to navigate the obstacle course rather than simple directional commands.
    3. Compare and Discuss the precision of these toy robots.
  5. Experience telepresence using the Double robot by DoubleRobotics using either the Chrome web portal or the iOS mobile Double App from the AppStore.
    1. Note: You will need the Username: uconn2summers and the Password: ???? for our robot
    2.  Ask 1 of your team to move to a remote location (on another floor) and discuss with your group remotely using the Double Robot. The topic: How might students, who are medically fragile or suspended from school still participate in their classes with a robotic virtual presence?
  6. Program our Mbots using MBlockly.
    1. View the concepts for the MBot from their homepage (scroll down to “Simple Playing” and “Game-based Learning”
    2. Next take a look at the CyberPi microcontroller with sensors that can extend the MBot
    3. Program the mBots to complete an obstacle cone course.
    4. Stretch Goal: use sensors to navigate the obstacle course rather than simple directional commands.
  7. Another app you might consider using is Scratch. It too can be used with multiple robots and is primarily created for educational purposes.
  8. Do you remember the Logo Turtle? Here is an online simplified free Logo version – Have you used this before?
  9. NOTE: the images below are linked to the producer websites if you’d like to read more about them, gently click on each (“no hitting” is a classroom rule!)

Dash and Dot Robots Parrot Drones Double Robotics tele presenceSphero robot exploded diagram