- Construct a process for conducting careful observations of a classroom technology integration.
Activity Guide:
- Observing
- Count the number of violent acts in this classic Bugs Bunny short video, “Rabbit Seasoning” (actual cartoon starts at the :36 mark, after credits).
- Post your count in the associated HuskyCT forum (Note: you cannot see other posts until you make your post, then you will see all others).
- Reflect on how you defined a violent act.
- Think about your implementation project. What things did you most want to observe as evidence of its success?
- Create a systematic way to capture, record, summarize, and analyze one of the “cases” in your Fall research using observational methods. Might you consider proposing:
- Videotaping one or more class sessions they doing an observational coding on yourself or the students
- Videotaping a specific case study and doing a careful observation of 1 or a few selected students instead of research the entire class
- Bring the students together once or twice during the intervention for a focus group session that could be recorded and analyzed for themes
- Review some of these tools for the types of data they might provide, that would give evidence that your technology intervention was working or not working
- Student on Task Observation tool/app.
- iWalkObservation (a commercial product for school observations)
- BeahviorSnap ($9.99 on iOS app store)
- On Task 2 ($9.99 on App Store)
- COR Advantage student observation app
- Note while I can no longer find the BOSS app for iPhone and iPad, this slide presentation from Lehigh professor Shapiro makes some good points about classroom observations.
- Create a systematic way to capture, record, summarize, and analyze one of the “cases” in your Fall research using observational methods. Might you consider proposing: