- Find research related to your Fall Practicum classroom integration of technology project, using:
- library research
- breadcrumb approach
- online search
Activity Guide:
- Using UConn lib.uconn.edu resources and databases, search for scholarly resources related to your Fall Practicum technology or related technologies in general.
- If you found 1 or more related article, review the References section of that article and see if you can locate some of those original sources. (this is the “breadcrumb approach” to finding scholarly literature).
- Review the sources for the articles you found– what journals, magazine, or book authors were they found in? Check these sources in more detail to see if they might have published other studies related to your topic.
- Add in online searches for the authors you found and the sources, to see if there are related works that you may have missed.
- Briefly summarize research you found related to your Fall practicum intervention study by composing a brief paragraph summarizing the literature on your chosen technology. Post a link and your reflection about what you found for discussion in the HuskyCT discussion forum for this module. Be sure to address how believable the information is.