Remember last summer’s task of finding 3 “emerging” technologies that you might use wisely in your classroom? At the time, did you worry there might be a novelty effect if you used those with your students? What did this mean in your specific context? And what about the “makerspaces” that were the context for the Fall 5220 Final exam. Remember what you said then about the evidence that might convince you to use them? What beside the actual makerspace activities might cause those students to achieve higher grades? Consider that not only is each child unique, but each class of students might be slightly different in their whole class interactions. Also consider how day to day things can happen to affect how each child is ready to learn. Then give your initial thoughts as to whether a 1-time trial (study) will definitely apply (transfer) to all other classes in exactly the same way. Give you initial thoughts as to what other factors might affect a particular technology-enhanced lesson, besides the tech.
(These are just your own initial thoughts, not for public discussion)