Scientific Methods Initial Thoughts

Many of us can easily produce the essence of the scientific method: Observe, Hypothesize, Collect Data, Analyze, Report… Replicate, rinse, repeat.

But what does the process REALLY involve. It’s clearly a human endeavor, so involves judgment, politics, bias, and personal opinions. Yet the process is designed to minimize those factors to make findings convincing, and to optimize the chances they will apply broadly.

Are any of you currently involved with University-based research that applies to your classroom? There are efforts to connect educational researchers and practicing educators.

Read this very short post suggesting that students should not get involved in extracurriculars and sport. Did you find it interesting? Convincing? Did you react emotionally or scholarly?

Post your thoughts about research and classroom teaching in the Initial Thought Forum.

(These are just your own initial thoughts, not for public discussion)
