Ped Tech 5220 Discussion DL

Small Group Discussion: Analyze Ms Robson’s technology-enhanced lesson.

You have already completed the challenge to consider the pedagogies of Problem-based, Project-based and Case-based learning (PBL) as well as investigated a range of possible uses for the web (WebTech) in the classroom. Learning technologies have been encouraged in American education not simply as an added topic, but in the hopes they will dramatically change the way we teach, across all subjects, as part of school reform and renewal. 

To help you get started, consider the following questions:

  • Is Ms. Robson’s lesson representative of novice, beginner, proficient or advanced example of a technology-based “learning environment” from your understanding of what is “good pedagogy.”
  • Could the money be spent better than on technology in this classroom to further the education of the students? 
  • How might these same technologies support core practices or habits of mind?
  • Is this application saving the teacher time and making her more productive or is it adding to the complexity of teaching and learning?
  • In this instance of technology integration enhancing the teacher’s domain understanding or pedagogical skill?
  • Is there scientific proof that technology is “working” in this instance?
  • Is technology in this instance preventing students from having a more authentic real-world (vs virtual world) experience?
  • In this instance, is there a danger that students might become addicted to media and less social in real life? 
  • Is there an ethical, legal, or social concern with using technology in this instance? 

Prepare your response and post to the PedTech Go Public forum. 

(Use HuskyCT Discussion Forum to discuss this with your cohort. This is a public discussion, so please display your best digital citizenship and Master’s student level discussion abilities)

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