Online Teaching Lab Activity DL

Lab Objective. By successfully completing this lab, students should be able to:

  • Exemplify common differences between online teaching and face-to-face classes through the creation of brief lesson plan recording.

For your target lesson plan…

Consider your target lesson plan uploaded for this course during week 1. What might happen on a snow day or if you had to teach it during the current pandemic? Could some or all of the lesson content be supported with online activities?  

For this activity (below), consider how you would give an overview of the content topic, provide an overview of the lesson plan, explain the key-takeaway understanding you hope to teach, or even enhancing the lesson with a Flipped lesson available online of your lesson plan. 

Activity Guide:

  1. Select a screen casting tool that you have used before or would like to learn about* as part of this module: 
    1. UConn-provided tool Kaltura or
    2. Screencastify 
      1. Note: *Both options are FERPA compliant for CT teachers! 
    3. or a tool like WeVideo (which you can try out as an educator before paying)
  2. Record and publish a brief 2-minute overview of a content topic, perhaps an Intro that provides the broad overview of your target lesson plan, or the key take-away understanding you hope to teach.  
    1. The final product should not be just a “talking head” of you explaining to the camera, but instead you truly teaching whatever aspect of your lesson plan you selected (content topic, broad overview, key take-away, flipped classroom) 
    2. If using Kaltura, you can also include in video questions.  
  3. Provide your reflection on how teaching online is different from teaching face to face (upload to HuskyCT as described below). 
  4. Complete the Discussion portion of this module (click the 9 o’clock part of the cycle gif).
  5. Stretch GoalUsing your UConn Gmail,  create a sample mini lesson related to your Target Lesson plan on Google Classroom.
          1. What is a stretch goal? A stretch goal is an additional challenge posed to you in relation to the context of the module.  While it is not required, stretch goals aim to challenge you in a way that will produce further growth in your knowledge and abilities. 
          2. Stretch goals are goals you would pursue for enrichment or deeper understanding and are not graded. They are provided to help differentiate the lesson based on student skills and interests.

          Upload to HuskyCT

          Upload the link to your video to HuskyCT and provide a text reflection about your experience producing it, and its value for online instruction in your future work.