Welcome to the module on Makerspace technology for developing students’ creativity, innovation, and risk-taking.
TED talk (10 min) regarding the concept of Makerspaces and their genesis.
What is the “Maker Movement”? Read about it and why it is important for America’s future here in TIME.
How are Makerspaces being used in school settings? Follett explains how it is being used in the library at Shorecrest Preparatory School (ages 3-grade 12) and the benefits that it has for the students. These spaces promote creativity, collaboration, and cooperation.
One may wonder where to begin when creating a Makerspace. Check out Smith System for some tips on where to begin and how to start a Makerspace. Something to note from the article; Nobody who uses the space has to be an expert. The most important thing to have is a passion for and a curiosity about making in many different forms. (Smith System 2016). Interested in starting a makerspace of your own? In the following video listen to educators as they explain how they began their makerspace and the changes they would make if they were able to do it all over again (Advice for Educators Interested in Creating Makerspaces).
There are also negatives. In the past decade schools have had to cut their budgets due to cuts coming from town and state levels, read the article that discusses these cuts to funding, how would these cuts to funding effect the ability to maintain a makerspace? If funding is being cut how would the makerspace be funded? The following pdf breaks down the cost of materials for a makerspace, showing your run of the mill space or exemplary. They clearly are costly, are they truly worth it?
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