Welcome to the EPSY 5221 WITTLE Introduction and Overview.
Please read the following to prepare for lab.
There are a variety of uses for integrating technology into your classroom. Something simple like classroom manage with Classroom Screen might pique your curiosity, because all teachers are always looking for tools that can make classroom management simpler. The challenges of communicating with parents can be made easier with Remind and/or Twitter when PowerSchool, Schoology or Google Classroom are not enough.
The “trick,” if you will, is not to just throw technology at problems, but to wisely match the affordances of various technology options with your selected pedagogy and the outcomes you hope to achieve with regard to content or information or engagement. This is what the TPACK framework tries to convey to you.
Important Class Links (These will be used during the lab)
- Socrative Survey Student Site (no account required)
- TPACK website
- ISTE standards for Teachers and Student
- Link to Taskstream
Supplemental: Read more about it.
- InTASC standards (pdf)
- High Leverage Core Teaching Practices (U. Michigan)
- Sample Superintendent Twitter site @Supernicol
Enduring Understanding- Student Learning Outcome from this module
This badges activity intends to prepare teachers for ISTE Standard for Educators 1a that states: Set professional learning goals to explore and apply pedagogical approaches made possible by technology and reflect on their effectiveness.
Clearly, staying up to date with contemporary productivity and communication tools is the most basic level of technologies that can impact pedagogy.