Welcome to the week on Ethics, Equity and Digital Citizenship.
Please read the following to prepare for lab.
While the ethical and legal issues of technology are not unique, in many ways the use of technology can amplify and modify the issues that teachers must consider and deal with, such as cheating on tests, plagiarism on essays, stranger danger, and bullying. These have always been concerns for teachers, but technology brings with it mobile cameras, sexting, cut/paste functions, identity theft, cloud storage of eportfolios, and cyber stalking.
When considering Ethics, skilled ethical thinkers routinely distinguish ethics from domains such as community social conventions (conventional thinking), religious beliefs and tenets (theological thinking), and the law (legal thinking). When working in schools there are the added restrictions of teacher contracts, professional standards, and district policies and guidelines. Perhaps surprisingly, the increase use of technology in schools affects many of these concerns.
Acceptable Use Policies (for teachers and students)
- Getting Started on an Acceptable Use Policy (Education World)
- Sample Acceptable Use Policy (Digital-ID)
- UCONN acceptable use policy
Laws protecting student data privacy (State, Federal, International)
- Family Educational Rights and Privacy (FERPA)
- What constitutes student data? Educator’s Guide
- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act HIPAA for schools (National Law Review)
- FERPA/SHERPA News and Blogs
- The 2018 GDPR created further guidelines relating to user privacy. Parental consent will likely be required to process the personal data of children under the age of 16 for all online services.
- Compliance with FERPA/SHERPA in CT 2018 has been time consuming to say the least.
- View this exemplar of a data policy statement and see if you can discern the major components
Uniquely Connecticut
The 2016 CT law concerning student data privacy lists 10 things (in Sec 2) that any contractor must provide in the form of written consent, that they will do, in order to protect student data. CT is such a small part of most company’s markets and making legally binding statements like these, in writing, exposes their small companies to such liability (should hacking or something like that happen to them), that they simply cannot afford to make such broad assurances (and risk being sued). So their lawyers advise them not to make such written consents to CT and simply do business elsewhere. While big companies like Google have ways of protecting themselves from liability, many smaller ed tech providers do not.
Consider an example of small provider like Sumdog. While prior CT teacher experiences and Sumdog’s research suggest students enjoy and learn from personalized activities like those provided, the small company from Edinburgh UK has no intention of providing written assurances binding their small company to CT State law about student privacy. The company uses the “Freemium” funding model. But without the written contract, CT students cannot use Sumdog in school even for free.
The impact of CT law is that CT schools are limited to large providers willing to assume the legal risks of stating they will fully protect student data privacy. In fact, in the new world of cybersecurity, we are ALL responsibility for protecting ourselves, our institutions, and our students by each doing our due diligence by completing timely updates, using encryption on our devices, and keeping up to date virus protection active. Certainly one way to ensure student data security is to severely limit students’ access to online tools. But is the BEST way to do it? Consider asking around at your current school (clinical placement) to get the impact of this legislation and for this module consider the Ethical implications.
Copyright Law and Plagiarism by teachers and students
- Copyright Law (US Government)
- Copyright law’s Fair Use Exemption (US Government)
- What about using YouTube videos? How does copyright work there?
- the TEACH act clarification of copyright for online teacher/learning (Wikipedia)
- Recent work to revise and update law to stop online piracy (SOPA)
- Other consequences (beyond legal) to plagiarism
- Digita Cheating and Plagiarism in Schools Ma 2009
Issue of the Digital Divide and Equity in Access
Gender Bias in Video Games and Online Learning
- Teachers and Bus drivers can be bullied too
- Issues and advice from cyberbullying.org
- Research on cyberbullying bystanders and retweeting
Digital Citizenship and Cybersecurity
- Google’s Be Internet Awesome Island for learning digital citizenship
- Google Site for detecting Site Validity “transparency reports.” (this may be of help in preparing your Digital Badge submission regarding digital citizenship)
- The Chrome browser offers the option to check a site’s security using the “Lock Icon” in front of the URL on every page it loads. (this too could be helpful for formulating your Digital Badge responses.)
Supplemental: Read more about it.
- Advice on how to hack your school’s Filter or WiFi
- Common Sense Media’s list of suggestions
- The TPACK framework for wise tech integration
- Teacher’s guide to FERPA/SHERPA compliance
Enduring Understanding- Student Learning Outcome from this module
This module intends to prepare teachers for ISTE Standard for Educators 3c that states: Mentor students in safe, legal and ethical practices with digital tools and the protection of intellectual rights and property. So presumably to be a good mentor one would not only need to be prepared to behave ethically, but would able to provide guidance to the classroom and school-wide community on ethical use of technology. In addition, the CT-specific issue of required written student data security is presented for consideration.