Build Online Teaching 5220 Activity

Lab Objective. By successfully completing this lab, students should be able to:

  • Describe the similarities and difference between online teaching and in-person teaching. Hybrid teaching may also be part of this mix.
  • Experience Lightboard studio production for online teaching and desktop recording.

Activity Guide:

  1. Go to the UConn Lightboard lab to construct a brief (2 min.) presentation for a mini-lesson of your choice related to the lesson plan you uploaded for EPSY 5221.
  2. (stretch goal) Using the free Blackboard site Coursesites, create a sample mini lesson online course site.
  3. Provide your reflection on how teaching online is different from teaching face to face

For your target lesson plan…

Consider your target lesson plan uploaded to Taskstream during week 1. What might happen on a snow day? Could some or all of the lesson content be support with online activities? Consider enhancing the lesson with a Flipped lesson available online, and/or an alternative online activity that could be done by a missing or expelled student, or even all the students on a snow day.